Anecdotally Evident

Freya in Dry Shower

Freya Camellia

Newest sweet girl,

The favor we begged of Time,

Cinnamon curls bounce,

She explores her world.

Innately understands,

Loving attention is her due,

And demands it.

Blooming intellect,

Intent upon,

Her baby business.

Pink jacket trailing,

She rambles,

Happily babbles.

Ecstatic to be dashing,


On plump peach legs.

Pushes boundaries,

Reaching overhead,

Tongue tip touching lip.

Tiny devilish smile,

As she grasps the forbidden,

Scampers down the hall,

Clutching her prize.

Peals of laughter,

Legs churning,

Arms flailing,

She maintains her precarious balance.

Our headstrong “Cakesy”,

Scrappy bold lady,

Beloved Freya Camellia.

Paula Lyons, MD
